Creates a new lead in the CRM.
Example Request: Test Street&city=Test City&state=Test State&zip=97303&country=Test Country&phone=132-123-1234&followup_date=2010-01-01 12:00:00&besttime=Morning&status=1
Example Response: Creation Successful&lead_id=1001
Name | Type | Required | Example |
first_name | String | N | John First name of lead |
last_name | String | N | Doe Last name of lead |
company | String | N | Example Company Company of lead |
address | String | N | 123 Test Street Lead address |
address_2 | String | N | 123rd Ave Lead address second line |
city | String | N | Test City Lead city |
state | String | N | Test State Lead state |
zip | Integer | N | 97303 Lead Postal Code |
country | String | N | Test Country Lead Country |
phone | String | N | 132-123-1234 Lead Phone Number |
cell | String | N | 321-321-4321 Lead Mobile Number |
ok_to_text | String | N | Y/N OK to text this lead? |
fax | String | N | 213-213-4231 Lead Fax Number |
skype | String | N | johnsmith100 Lead Skype Username |
ip | String | N | Lead IP Address |
followup_date | DateTime | N | 2010-01-01 12:00:00 Next follow up date for lead |
besttime | String | N | Morning Best time to follow up with lead |
status | Integer | N | 1 Comment this to direct them to the status TE page TODO |
priority | String | N | Warm How important the lead is |
custom_status | Integer | N | 0 Comment this to direct them to the custom status TE page |
gmt_offset | Integer | N | -1000 Lead's time zone |
email | String | N | Lead Email address |
admin_notes | String | N | Note text for admins Notes viewable by admins |
govt_id | Integer | N | 100-10-1000 Lead government id |
source | String | N | Lead source |
sub_id | String | N | 10 Affiliate sub id |
sub_id2 | String | N | 11 Second Affiliate sub id |
external_id | String | N | 100 Lead external id |
birth_date | Date | N | 1980-01-31 Lead's date of birth (YYYY-MM-DD or MM-DD) |
insert_conflict | String | N | Error There are 4 types of conflict resolution Error(default) will just have any conflicts return an error message, overwrite will just overwrite any conflicts with the new data, update will update the data that is conflicting with the insert, and duplicate which will just make a new row |
notes | JSON Encoded String | N | [{"Status":"Message","Notes":"test"},{"Status":"Email","Notes":""}] Each note needs a status and the content of the notes |
tags | String | N | tag1,tag2,tag3 This will add a set of tags to the lead |
ownerID | String | N | 12 The userID of the user by which this lead will be owned |
pool | String | N | billmore A Pool Name to which this lead belongs |
Name | Type | Example |
status | Integer | 0 |
status_message | String | Lead Creation Successful |
lead_id | Integer | 1001 |