Retrieves a listing of CRM leads in JSON format
Name | Type | Required | Example |
user_id | Integer | N | 1001 Inserting userID if ai_token is not present |
config_json | String | Y | {...} Json for configuration. See example & explanation: includes/plugins/api/commands/leads_csv_import.example.json.txt AND includes/plugins/api/commands/leads_csv_import.explanation.json.txt |
csv_file | String | Y | ,,, Full CSV file to be imported |
process_now | Integer | N | 1 Process the entire file now (slower response but no need for followup status checks) |
Name | Type | Example |
process_id | Integer | 1 The Queue processID, if not "process_now" |
summary | Array | [] If "process_now" Will Contain an array with the following summary response information: file_upload_count, file_upload_skip_count, file_upload_total, total_count, insert_count, file_upload_insert_count, file_upload_update_count, total_skipped, skip_count, duplicate_count, file_upload_duplicate_count, empty_count, unchanged_count, file_upload_unchanged_count, update_count, file_basename, error_log, view_leads_url |